I'd love to report that I accomplished huge numbers of home-making type chores. Or at least a couple. Sadly, all I can report today is that I cooked dinner and cleaned up the kitchen afterwards. That is something of course, and I'll appreciate it especially tomorrow when I don't have to face a dirty kitchen before I even can think about cooking anything in it.
I still have not remade the guest room bed with fresh sheets, despite the fact that I always like to do that immediately after one guest leaves so it's ready for the next guest (we rarely go very long without having someone for at least a night). My mother-in-law will be here at the end of the week so I do have a deadline of sorts to get the room ready again. Today though? It didn't happen.
I did finish three books today. That sounds more impressive than it really is; I'd been reading them all for varying lengths of time and two of the three only one chapter and three (very very short) chapters left to go. The other had about 125 pages, but it was fiction and those are always fast.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Memory Verse
Proverbs 2:6, New International Version
For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Weekly Menu Plan

Fall weather arrives this week and I am thrilled. Soup's on the menu as well as baked casseroles and such. I'll also start baking more as it's no longer such an appalling thought to turn on the oven.
Saturday - Out for lunch, scrounge for dinner. I don't expect we'll be too hungry after lunch. It'll probably be some sourdough french bread from yesterday along with cheese & sausage.
Sunday - Minestrone soup. I'm still looking for a recipe that's good enough to make me stop looking for others.
Monday - Veal marsala.
Tuesday - Beef stroganoff. Maybe this version.
Wednesday - Macaroni and cheese. Homemade hopefully in honor of it being October and a forecast high of 62 degrees. I think this version sounds good.
Thursday - Clean out the fridge night - we should have lots to choose from after this week.
Friday - Sandwiches or quesadillas or possibly homemade pizza if I get home from work in time to start the dough. After making it last week, I am motivated now - it was soooo good.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Before and After: Final Update

I've been posting updates all along of my progress, so I'm not sure what else to say, other than thank you to BooMama for having this event because I know that if she hadn't, my office would still be unpainted. And I do so love how it looks now that I am extremely grateful for the kick in the pants to get it done.
To recap, here's what the office looked like before:

For a more complete view of it, here's my original post about the project.
Progress was slow but steady - the first week didn't bring all that much progress, in fact it mostly looked worse as instead of painting I decided to first tackle the important work of cleaning out the closet.
So here's a mini before & after. Before:


The second update pretty much just involved the bookcase being emptied and pulled away from the wall. I was plodding along, obviously.

Fortunately for the third update I was still thinking that the deadline was July 25, so I was feeling some pressure and worked hard and got a lot done.

Wallpaper border mostly down, walls spackeled and sanded, and even some painting.

Lots more photos are at the Week 3 update post, these are just a hint.
Week four got the bulk of the project completed - the room itself was painted, and lacked only some finishing touches and minor things like replacing furniture. And again, there are more pics at that original week four update post.

Update five was a poor excuse for a progress report, having really just hung a curtain, but still, it's a nice curtain. The final update teased with a report, but no final pictures.
And I can't find all of the pictures I took so here are a few and if/when I find the others or take new ones (which has to wait until the camera batteries recharge), I'll post more.
Freshly painted!

Here's the new curtain:
Open. And yes, I realize the windowsill is horribly scuffed, to the point that it looks filthy. It's not, it's just scuffed and chipped. Maybe my next project will be to paint it.

And closed:

And one of my favorite things in the updated room, my new trash basket. I'm not usually into wicker, but I love this.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Infertility Part II: The Hardest Aspects
I've covered what I've found to be the blessings related to infertility, but I would feel dishonest if I didn't touch on the hardest aspects of it.
Obviously, the continual disappointment of not conceiving is the biggie. Before going through it, I had no idea how grinding it would be to month after month have that heartbreak.
The isolation it creates surprised me. I don't want to whine about it endlessly to my friends; I don't have family I can talk to about it; there are only so many times L and I can have the same conversations.
Fighting with myself to avoid giving in to bitterness and/or jealousy. I'm certainly not perfect, but I've never really had a problem with either of those before, but I sometimes really have to remind myself of the blessings of this in order not to descend into both. It would be very very easy to become completely hard and bitter.
Working where I do. I think my job is in one of the worst possible spots; there are pregnant women and small children everywhere! I often try to avoid leaving my behind-the-scenes area since as soon as I do it will be an obstacle course of babies and pregnant ladies.
Wondering if I should start trying to come to terms with not having children. I almost think it would be easier if I knew that it was not going to happen; I feel like I could close that door, grieve it, and move on. As it is, it's a monthly reopening of the wound and sometimes I just don't know if I can take it anymore.
Obsessing over my body's symptoms. I really wish I'd never read some of those TTC posts. Every twinge became a possible early pregnancy sign, and just made the eventual "No" that much harder to take. I've gotten smarter lately and refuse to allow myself to even begin thinking of the possibility until day 35.
The endless two-week wait. I'd had no idea that two weeks could take so long. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you've apparently never tried to get pregnant.
The expense. Once you start going to the doctor to find out what's going wrong it's obvious - reproductive endocrinologists don't come cheap, and none of the tests are inexpensive. Even the prescriptions for Clomid were pricy. Insurance covers virtually nothing, so medical decisions have to be made keeping finances in mind.
The embarrassment. Sitting in the RE's office discussing details of my s_x life and my cycle and many of the tests are so not fun.
Turning something that should be about intimacy and pleasure and connecting and turning it into a chore.
The hormones! Clomid just about made me crazy. I was miserably sick physically and incredibly moody emotionally, something like PMS times a thousand. I knew I was being irrational and still could not seem to help myself not be that way. I'm supposed to do one more cycle on Clomid before moving on to other options, but I've been putting it off because I don't know if I can handle another cycle on it.
When people take pregnancy or their kids for granted. It's so frustrating to see people not appreciate what a miracle it is. And then when I hear people talk flippantly about starting a family once this or that happens, I want to tell them that it just might not be that simple.
Being in the stage of life where sometimes it really feels like we're getting news of another pregnancy every single week. Some don't phase me at all, others do and sometimes it seems quite random which ones do or don't.
Wondering what's wrong with me that God won't let me have a child. And I know that's not the issue and that it's bad theology, but sometimes it's still what I wonder.
Obviously, the continual disappointment of not conceiving is the biggie. Before going through it, I had no idea how grinding it would be to month after month have that heartbreak.
The isolation it creates surprised me. I don't want to whine about it endlessly to my friends; I don't have family I can talk to about it; there are only so many times L and I can have the same conversations.
Fighting with myself to avoid giving in to bitterness and/or jealousy. I'm certainly not perfect, but I've never really had a problem with either of those before, but I sometimes really have to remind myself of the blessings of this in order not to descend into both. It would be very very easy to become completely hard and bitter.
Working where I do. I think my job is in one of the worst possible spots; there are pregnant women and small children everywhere! I often try to avoid leaving my behind-the-scenes area since as soon as I do it will be an obstacle course of babies and pregnant ladies.
Wondering if I should start trying to come to terms with not having children. I almost think it would be easier if I knew that it was not going to happen; I feel like I could close that door, grieve it, and move on. As it is, it's a monthly reopening of the wound and sometimes I just don't know if I can take it anymore.
Obsessing over my body's symptoms. I really wish I'd never read some of those TTC posts. Every twinge became a possible early pregnancy sign, and just made the eventual "No" that much harder to take. I've gotten smarter lately and refuse to allow myself to even begin thinking of the possibility until day 35.
The endless two-week wait. I'd had no idea that two weeks could take so long. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you've apparently never tried to get pregnant.
The expense. Once you start going to the doctor to find out what's going wrong it's obvious - reproductive endocrinologists don't come cheap, and none of the tests are inexpensive. Even the prescriptions for Clomid were pricy. Insurance covers virtually nothing, so medical decisions have to be made keeping finances in mind.
The embarrassment. Sitting in the RE's office discussing details of my s_x life and my cycle and many of the tests are so not fun.
Turning something that should be about intimacy and pleasure and connecting and turning it into a chore.
The hormones! Clomid just about made me crazy. I was miserably sick physically and incredibly moody emotionally, something like PMS times a thousand. I knew I was being irrational and still could not seem to help myself not be that way. I'm supposed to do one more cycle on Clomid before moving on to other options, but I've been putting it off because I don't know if I can handle another cycle on it.
When people take pregnancy or their kids for granted. It's so frustrating to see people not appreciate what a miracle it is. And then when I hear people talk flippantly about starting a family once this or that happens, I want to tell them that it just might not be that simple.
Being in the stage of life where sometimes it really feels like we're getting news of another pregnancy every single week. Some don't phase me at all, others do and sometimes it seems quite random which ones do or don't.
Wondering what's wrong with me that God won't let me have a child. And I know that's not the issue and that it's bad theology, but sometimes it's still what I wonder.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bible Study Update, Yet Again
So, to recap Bible Study news, I thought I'd found one. Then I found out that one of the other participants is someone L used to date, and he was not exactly thrilled with that news. I was even less thrilled - it just seems very awkward and not at all conducive to a study where'd I'd be able to open up and share etc.
Then it ended up getting canceled for this month anyway due to lack of interest by anybody else, so it's not really looking like that one will happen.
As I was telling this to a friend at work, I told her that if she'd ever want to do one at work, to let me know. She sounded interested and reminded me of another woman at work who would most likely want to participated, so I think tentatively I may have a little 3-person study group almost ready to start.
Now, just have to figure out a study. I've never participated in one before, and neither has my friend. I found a list of recommended studies and will talk about them with J. I'm kind of hoping this could get started soonish!
Anyone with any suggestions on studies/ topics/ methods/ whatever, please share!
Then it ended up getting canceled for this month anyway due to lack of interest by anybody else, so it's not really looking like that one will happen.
As I was telling this to a friend at work, I told her that if she'd ever want to do one at work, to let me know. She sounded interested and reminded me of another woman at work who would most likely want to participated, so I think tentatively I may have a little 3-person study group almost ready to start.
Now, just have to figure out a study. I've never participated in one before, and neither has my friend. I found a list of recommended studies and will talk about them with J. I'm kind of hoping this could get started soonish!
Anyone with any suggestions on studies/ topics/ methods/ whatever, please share!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thankful Tuesday
- I got in a nice visit with a friend over the weekend. She was passing through town and probably won't be back this way for awhile, so it was nice to see her.
- L's back is doing a bit better after a weekend where it was about as bad as it's ever been.
- I finally got my donations dropped off at Goodwill!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Making My Home a Haven
Posting last week worked so well I'll try again.
I have kept my kitchen table cleared off since last week, which I am very happy about. It's amazing the difference it makes. L even is trying to keep from piling his own stuff on the table which I definitely appreciate.
It's time for fall decorations, but I don't really have any to set out so I'm going to try to keep an eye out for some inexpensive things I could get to make the house more welcoming. Catherine recently posted about her fall decorations and it really made me wish I had some to use. Actually, considering how sparse any accessories are throughout my house, I should probably concentrate on that first, and then worry about seasonal decor. Nesting Place and the Inspired Room both inspire me with their talent.
I did some baking this weekend - oatmeal spice cake so L has some of the goodies he'd been asking for. Still want to make him a quick bread of some sort. Just having the kitchen clean and filled with a yummy baked good make me feel very domestic.
I got the family room cleared out a bit, though I still need to take a pile of donations over too Goodwill and a stack of books to the library for their book sale.
I had a guest most of the weekend (and she's still here) so I tried to make sure the guest room was welcoming - no fresh flowers to put in there but I did round up my latest stack of magazines and placed them on the empty dresser so she had something to read if she was interested. The guest bathroom is not where I'd like it to be since it's still waiting on L to finish the last things from the remodel, but it was clean and there were fresh towels so that's something I think.
I have kept my kitchen table cleared off since last week, which I am very happy about. It's amazing the difference it makes. L even is trying to keep from piling his own stuff on the table which I definitely appreciate.
It's time for fall decorations, but I don't really have any to set out so I'm going to try to keep an eye out for some inexpensive things I could get to make the house more welcoming. Catherine recently posted about her fall decorations and it really made me wish I had some to use. Actually, considering how sparse any accessories are throughout my house, I should probably concentrate on that first, and then worry about seasonal decor. Nesting Place and the Inspired Room both inspire me with their talent.
I did some baking this weekend - oatmeal spice cake so L has some of the goodies he'd been asking for. Still want to make him a quick bread of some sort. Just having the kitchen clean and filled with a yummy baked good make me feel very domestic.
I got the family room cleared out a bit, though I still need to take a pile of donations over too Goodwill and a stack of books to the library for their book sale.
I had a guest most of the weekend (and she's still here) so I tried to make sure the guest room was welcoming - no fresh flowers to put in there but I did round up my latest stack of magazines and placed them on the empty dresser so she had something to read if she was interested. The guest bathroom is not where I'd like it to be since it's still waiting on L to finish the last things from the remodel, but it was clean and there were fresh towels so that's something I think.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Memory Verse
Hebrews 11:6 , New International Version
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Weekly Menu Plan

Last week's plan was good, at least what I made of it. L's work hours + me having the worst headache ever made for a couple of days at the end of the week where we winged it rather than cooking what was planned.
Laura has a theme this week of family favorites, so I tried to cut back on the new recipes and concentrate on some favs.
Sunday - Pioneer Woman's Lasagna. We've had this once and it was fantastic. But I still am counting it as a family favorite because lasagna in general certainly is one and this is probably L's favorite of all the versions I've made. I like mine with less meat and more mushrooms, something like this double mushroom one but made with a white sauce instead of the cream soup.
Monday - Skillet meatloaf with mashed potatoes and peas. Because, according to L, peas must always be served with mashed potatoes. I had no idea there were such strict rules about such things. This is definitely a family favorite. The recipe is from Desperation Dinners but the concept is simple - make your regular meatloaf, but instead of forming it into a loaf, make it into patties and cook them on the stovetop. After cooking them on one side, flip them and pour some ketchup/tomato sauce/glaze of your choice over the top and allow to finish cooking. One pound of meat makes 6 nicely-sized patties and they get a delicious sear which is my favorite part.
Tuesday - Veggie pizza. I'm going to try and make my own pizza crust for the first time ever, but I do have some pitas that can be used in a pinch if the crust doesn't look like it's going to work. I'm using a recipe from Marcy Goldman's A Passion for Baking. She gives instructions for using a stand mixer so I'm going to give that a try. You don't have to have the book though - this version is available for free from her site, BetterBaking.com. Toppings will be whatever veggies I can find in the fridge - most likely peppers and mushrooms.
Wednesday - Leftovers - I think we'll have a lot from the previous nights. If we don't, we'll probably have sandwiches.
Thursday - Chicken fingers. If we're not pasta'd out from the lasagna, most likely we'll have them with macaroni and cheese and broccoli, our usual sides. This is a favorite, but I may try a different version of the chicken just to get some variety in the week's menu - I'm very tempted by the firecracker chicken from America's Test Kitchen, but it sounds like it may be too much work for a weeknight.
Friday - Black bean quesadillas. Because they keep getting bumped off our menu and they truly are the perfect end-of-the-week meal as far as I'm concerned; ingredients mostly from the pantry, quick and easy to make, and not too much cleanup.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Lifelong Learning
It sounds so official, doesn't it? I'm actually not crazy about the phrase, but I am crazy about the concept. I LOVE to learn new things. I think that's one reason I'm such a reader - it's a way to continually learn.
I also like more formalized learning too - while I didn't like everything about college and graduate school, I did (mostly) like the classes and variety. It took me a while to recognize that the aspects I didn't like about classes as an undergraduate and graduate student - the inane requirements, commuting headaches, annoying prerequisite or required classes - could all be avoided if I opted out of degree tracts and instead simply pursued learning for self-education rather than credentialed approval.
Not to say that I have anything against credentialed approval; just that for many things it's not what I need, so why deal with some of the hassles and hoop-jumping to get it?
My first real foray into learning for its own sake and not in pursuit of a degree was Moody Bible Institute's continuing education program through distance learning. The distance learning program had other options, but the personal enrichment courses were the best fit. They give me no college credit but that's ok, since I'm not looking for any.
Through the program, I did sign up for a certificate program, but again, the certificate is only for personal enrichment. Signing up for it and paying for the series of courses just gave me a slight tuition break than if I'd paid for them individually.
I've just about completed the Biblical Studies certificate, and am now debating with myself which one I want to take next - New Testament Studies? Old Testament Studies? Personal Ministry and Leadership? I'm leaning towards the New Testament Studies one, but have not made a firm decision.
I also like more formalized learning too - while I didn't like everything about college and graduate school, I did (mostly) like the classes and variety. It took me a while to recognize that the aspects I didn't like about classes as an undergraduate and graduate student - the inane requirements, commuting headaches, annoying prerequisite or required classes - could all be avoided if I opted out of degree tracts and instead simply pursued learning for self-education rather than credentialed approval.
Not to say that I have anything against credentialed approval; just that for many things it's not what I need, so why deal with some of the hassles and hoop-jumping to get it?
My first real foray into learning for its own sake and not in pursuit of a degree was Moody Bible Institute's continuing education program through distance learning. The distance learning program had other options, but the personal enrichment courses were the best fit. They give me no college credit but that's ok, since I'm not looking for any.
Through the program, I did sign up for a certificate program, but again, the certificate is only for personal enrichment. Signing up for it and paying for the series of courses just gave me a slight tuition break than if I'd paid for them individually.
I've just about completed the Biblical Studies certificate, and am now debating with myself which one I want to take next - New Testament Studies? Old Testament Studies? Personal Ministry and Leadership? I'm leaning towards the New Testament Studies one, but have not made a firm decision.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Infertility Part I: The Blessings of Infertility
I've been hesitant to use the word. It feels so final, and so hopeless. But it's been just shy of 3 years of trying, so even without an official diagnosis, it doesn't seem too much of a stretch to start coming to terms with the word. As I do, I'm trying to focus on getting everything I can spiritually out this, and am recognizing that there have been blessings that have come from it.
It has made me completely aware that I am not in control, and my life is not my own. God is calling the shots in my life, and he always has been, even when I thought I was directing things and making my own way. My life is in God's hands and I have given it over to him; he can use it in whatever way he desires.
I'm such a planner and have regularly plotted out my life and what I'll do when. While I might have thought in passing "God willing," I still really believed many times that things would just work out the way I wanted. Why wouldn't they? It wasn't like I was planning anything ungodly.
Now I just want to laugh at myself with all of my timetables and plans. I am not in control. And I thank God that I now realize that so clearly. I try daily to pray that God use my life to bring himself glory, and that I will release any lingering claim I think I have on myself and my own situation.
I wish I could say that I would have learned this lesson without infertility, but I think to some degree it would have always taken something like this to get me to the understand it so intimately.
I remind myself daily that God is sovereign and this is His will. I know my health problems are nothing to him, and he could easily heal me or enable me to conceive and bear a child without healing if it was His will for us.
I do not know what His future plans for us involve, but I know that we are in His hands and where He wants us. Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane has taken on new significance to me now - Father, not as I will, but as you will. If it is his decree that we never have children, that's ok.
This has forced me to cling to God daily for strength. I've been so materially blessed that I often don't have the same kind of pressing need to pray for daily sustenance as do Christians in other lands, but I do have to pray daily for strength to continue on, and for faith when mine wavers, and I thank God for his grace and mercy. I am grateful that I have learned this moment-by-moment sort of faith.
I wish I could say that I don't struggle with this, but I can't. Some days I have to repeat these things to myself again and again. Some moments I find myself simply praying "your will God, your will" as I remind myself that my life is his, to do with as he pleases.
Parts two, three, and four of the series will follow over the next weeks.
It has made me completely aware that I am not in control, and my life is not my own. God is calling the shots in my life, and he always has been, even when I thought I was directing things and making my own way. My life is in God's hands and I have given it over to him; he can use it in whatever way he desires.
I'm such a planner and have regularly plotted out my life and what I'll do when. While I might have thought in passing "God willing," I still really believed many times that things would just work out the way I wanted. Why wouldn't they? It wasn't like I was planning anything ungodly.
Now I just want to laugh at myself with all of my timetables and plans. I am not in control. And I thank God that I now realize that so clearly. I try daily to pray that God use my life to bring himself glory, and that I will release any lingering claim I think I have on myself and my own situation.
I wish I could say that I would have learned this lesson without infertility, but I think to some degree it would have always taken something like this to get me to the understand it so intimately.
I remind myself daily that God is sovereign and this is His will. I know my health problems are nothing to him, and he could easily heal me or enable me to conceive and bear a child without healing if it was His will for us.
I do not know what His future plans for us involve, but I know that we are in His hands and where He wants us. Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane has taken on new significance to me now - Father, not as I will, but as you will. If it is his decree that we never have children, that's ok.
This has forced me to cling to God daily for strength. I've been so materially blessed that I often don't have the same kind of pressing need to pray for daily sustenance as do Christians in other lands, but I do have to pray daily for strength to continue on, and for faith when mine wavers, and I thank God for his grace and mercy. I am grateful that I have learned this moment-by-moment sort of faith.
I wish I could say that I don't struggle with this, but I can't. Some days I have to repeat these things to myself again and again. Some moments I find myself simply praying "your will God, your will" as I remind myself that my life is his, to do with as he pleases.
Parts two, three, and four of the series will follow over the next weeks.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Personal Cookbook
One of the best gifts my mother has ever given me is a copy of her recipe book. She typed all the family favorites, printed them off, put them into a binder and presented it to me when I moved away from home. Even better, she gave me an electronic copy of the recipes too.
It's now been so many years since the gift that the original binder is long since trashed; I managed to break the back of it and had to replace it. I've also reprinted most of the pages after adapting them to fit my tastes; I like my food SPICY and my mom has a very tame palette. I even deleted a few of the recipes which I never liked (shhh, don't tell her.)
Even more than just modifying my mom's recipes, I've added to it. So much so that I split it up and now have two binders - one for savory dishes and one for sweet. Both binders live next to my microwave and there isn't a week that goes by that I don't refer to at least one of them.
New recipes that I find and like enough to make again get added to the appropriate binder. Sometimes it's a page torn from a magazine, sometimes it's a printout from the internet. Occasionally it's my scribbled notes from a conversation at work, or a TV show. Every so often I get really motivated and take all the odd sizes and pages and type them up and print it out again, but I'll usually save any pictures that I might have of the dish and add them to the printout. Page protectors make it super easy to just drop items in no matter their size.
I can't imagine not having my cookbooks; they keep me organized and make it simple to find that dish I loved. They make menu planning easy too; often I'll have planned out most of the week but end up looking for a particular type of entree to round out the week; dividers I've established make it simple to turn to the section featuring whatever it is I want (whether it's chicken or beef or beans or soup...)
To go along with the cookbook binders, I have a plastic tub that holds file folders. I used to use the tub in lieu of a file cabinet but eventually had to graduate to a real cabinet. Now I've got it filled with files of recipes I want to try. Yes, I said files. Again, I've got them divided by category and refer to it when menu planning.
I like trying new things (and usually aim for 2 - 3 new recipes a week) so I really do work through the files. They've got recipes I want to cook and bake as well, and there are plenty of days when I've gone looking through them for a new cookie recipe to try. It used to be that most of the recipes I found to try were from magazines, but nowadays I find more recipes from the internet - especially food blogs!
I find having the tub is helpful to keep me from getting completely out of control with recipes to try - I've got this much space to fit new ones, and no more. And it's easy to sort through and find interesting items when I'm planning my menu for the week.
See more Works-for-Me Wednesday tips at Rocks in My Dryer.
It's now been so many years since the gift that the original binder is long since trashed; I managed to break the back of it and had to replace it. I've also reprinted most of the pages after adapting them to fit my tastes; I like my food SPICY and my mom has a very tame palette. I even deleted a few of the recipes which I never liked (shhh, don't tell her.)
Even more than just modifying my mom's recipes, I've added to it. So much so that I split it up and now have two binders - one for savory dishes and one for sweet. Both binders live next to my microwave and there isn't a week that goes by that I don't refer to at least one of them.
New recipes that I find and like enough to make again get added to the appropriate binder. Sometimes it's a page torn from a magazine, sometimes it's a printout from the internet. Occasionally it's my scribbled notes from a conversation at work, or a TV show. Every so often I get really motivated and take all the odd sizes and pages and type them up and print it out again, but I'll usually save any pictures that I might have of the dish and add them to the printout. Page protectors make it super easy to just drop items in no matter their size.
I can't imagine not having my cookbooks; they keep me organized and make it simple to find that dish I loved. They make menu planning easy too; often I'll have planned out most of the week but end up looking for a particular type of entree to round out the week; dividers I've established make it simple to turn to the section featuring whatever it is I want (whether it's chicken or beef or beans or soup...)
To go along with the cookbook binders, I have a plastic tub that holds file folders. I used to use the tub in lieu of a file cabinet but eventually had to graduate to a real cabinet. Now I've got it filled with files of recipes I want to try. Yes, I said files. Again, I've got them divided by category and refer to it when menu planning.
I like trying new things (and usually aim for 2 - 3 new recipes a week) so I really do work through the files. They've got recipes I want to cook and bake as well, and there are plenty of days when I've gone looking through them for a new cookie recipe to try. It used to be that most of the recipes I found to try were from magazines, but nowadays I find more recipes from the internet - especially food blogs!
I find having the tub is helpful to keep me from getting completely out of control with recipes to try - I've got this much space to fit new ones, and no more. And it's easy to sort through and find interesting items when I'm planning my menu for the week.
See more Works-for-Me Wednesday tips at Rocks in My Dryer.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thankful Tuesday
Is it enough to just say that I'm glad to be home from work? I've had the worse headache all day and spent most of the day wishing I could just lie down and/or cry in pain.
I probably should have gone home early, but I was trying to get a section of a big project finished before someone asked me about my progress in her tone that implies wherever I am in it, it's not far enough.
I'm glad that maybe the headache seems to be easing up slightly, though I don't want to get my hopes up too much and call it gone.
I probably should have gone home early, but I was trying to get a section of a big project finished before someone asked me about my progress in her tone that implies wherever I am in it, it's not far enough.
I'm glad that maybe the headache seems to be easing up slightly, though I don't want to get my hopes up too much and call it gone.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Making My Home a Haven Monday
It's been almost three months since I last made a special effort on a Monday to, as Crystal puts it, make my home a haven.
I find it fairly discouraging how quickly the house falls apart; even without children it seems like it goes from looking great to looking messy in the blink of an eye. I've struggled my entire life with being fairly messy and always wished I was a neat freak. I really don't know how people do it who manage to keep their homes always looking so nice.
That's all a long intro to explain how my house is looking today. The kitchen table is buried; there are two baskets of laundry that need to be put away (at least they are folded). The master bath needs some attention (and that's usually one room I do keep almost pristine).
And, I'm sorry to say, L asked me when I would be baking again because it's been so long since I made him any banana bread. As in, all summer long.
So today after I finish this post I'm going to go and put away the laundry. Then I'll clean the bathroom, and clean off that kitchen table. Sadly banana bread will have to wait for tomorrow but I will make him some then. If I have pineapple, I'll make him his favorite version that I found last year from Tammy's Recipes. I don't dare start it tonight because there's not enough time to get it made and out of the oven before I need to be in bed.
I find it fairly discouraging how quickly the house falls apart; even without children it seems like it goes from looking great to looking messy in the blink of an eye. I've struggled my entire life with being fairly messy and always wished I was a neat freak. I really don't know how people do it who manage to keep their homes always looking so nice.
That's all a long intro to explain how my house is looking today. The kitchen table is buried; there are two baskets of laundry that need to be put away (at least they are folded). The master bath needs some attention (and that's usually one room I do keep almost pristine).
And, I'm sorry to say, L asked me when I would be baking again because it's been so long since I made him any banana bread. As in, all summer long.
So today after I finish this post I'm going to go and put away the laundry. Then I'll clean the bathroom, and clean off that kitchen table. Sadly banana bread will have to wait for tomorrow but I will make him some then. If I have pineapple, I'll make him his favorite version that I found last year from Tammy's Recipes. I don't dare start it tonight because there's not enough time to get it made and out of the oven before I need to be in bed.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Memory Verse
Joshua 1:8, New International Version
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Weekly Menu Plan

I like to think ahead for my Sunday cooking and either make something that will give nice leftovers for lunches, or that I can use as a component for future dinners. This week uses the latter strategy.
Sunday - Italian Cream Cheese Chicken with rice and peas.
Monday - Chicken Spaghetti Bake. Recipe is hidden under "Sample Recipe 1." I'll be using the leftover chicken, peppers & onions from Sunday. I'll probably add the cream cheese sauce too, just to use it up.
Tuesday - Ham fried rice, using the leftover rice from Sunday.
Wednesday - Mexican pizza.
Thursday - Black bean quesadillas.
Friday - Burgers on the grill. Probably with potato salad & baked beans. This is likely to be our final time grilling burgers for the season, and I do want to get another time in before we call it quits for the year.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Bible Study Update, Again
So I mentioned my desire to get into a Bible Study, and then updated that it looks like I've found one.
Yesterday L came home from work and said some of his coworkers are starting one and he'll be participating every other Tuesday during lunch. He'll be in one before me!
Today, a woman at work (in a different department) saw a library book I had and wanted to know if I was going through it for a Bible Study. I said no, that I was doing it on my own, but I wished I was in a Bible Study. She agreed with me and said if I found one to let her know because she would be interested.
I wonder if God is trying to tell me something...
Yesterday L came home from work and said some of his coworkers are starting one and he'll be participating every other Tuesday during lunch. He'll be in one before me!
Today, a woman at work (in a different department) saw a library book I had and wanted to know if I was going through it for a Bible Study. I said no, that I was doing it on my own, but I wished I was in a Bible Study. She agreed with me and said if I found one to let her know because she would be interested.
I wonder if God is trying to tell me something...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Thankful Tuesday
- The weather! I feel like I've been talking about it a lot lately, but I am just thrilled that Fall is almost here. The forecast high for today is 70. SEVENTY! I made soup for dinner last Sunday!
- L is going to tag along for my upcoming conference trip to Vegas. He'll be visiting his sister while I attend the conference. He'll probably also be visiting his sister while I'm not attending the conference too, since my friend from work will be there and that way we can go try new restaurants together. L is not adventurous AT ALL and would prefer to never try a new place again in his life. I want to avoid all chains and eat at places that we don't have at home. This might work out nicely for both of us.
- That's probably a really good thing for our marriage that that's our biggest conflict; I want to try new places to eat and he'd prefer to stick with the same few he knows and trusts.
- L's back is getting better after he's spent several days in extreme pain. He's had back trouble for years, and anytime he can self-treat and avoid going to the chiropractor it's a big help for our budget.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Weekly Menu Plan

Monday - Chicken enchiladas. Leftover chicken from the Santa Fe chicken I had on the menu for last Monday, but didn't actually make until Saturday. Put the leftover shredded chicken mixture into tortillas, cover with salsa, bake & enjoy.
Tuesday - Cowboy chili. I'm not sure what makes this cowboy chili versus regular chili.
Wednesday - Leftover soup from Sunday (potato, cheese & broccoli).
Thursday - Chicken & veggie kabobs.
Friday - Chicken fried rice (using leftovers from Thursday).
Update: Cowboy Chili = pork sausage, onion, kidney beans, chili-style diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, Mexicorn, chili powder & pepper. So apparently cowboys eat pork.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Memory Verse
Acts 20:32, New International Version
Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I've read 4 books so far this month, and every one of the author's first names begin with J. It just looks so odd to me over there in the widget. And now I almost feel like trying to carry it on and see if I can continue it, for no other reason than just to do it. Looking at the stack of library books, I can carry it on a little longer and think I'll try.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Before and After Update #6

It is DONE!
The curtain is up, and I even got a new trashcan - instead of the big honking one I had which was super ugly, I now have a tiny little wicker basket that looks very nice. I don't usually have too much non-shredded trash, so this will work (the ugly black shredder is still here, but I can deal with it).
My bookshelf is packed full again, though I still may reconfigure the bottom shelf.
The hallway is clear and so is the guest room of all the bits and pieces left from clearing out the office.
And on the 26th I'll post the final pictures.
Previous before-and-afters:
Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
Update 5
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Bible Study Update
Last month I wrote about trying to find a Bible Study to join this fall. Well, the friend I mentioned in that post is now trying to start one up with some other friends of hers (I have met a couple of them but don't really know them).
I am very happy that it looks like this might happen. I am a little nervous but overall very hopeful that it will work out and that we'll get into a great study.
I am very happy that it looks like this might happen. I am a little nervous but overall very hopeful that it will work out and that we'll get into a great study.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thankful Tuesday
- I've got a great husband who spent some of his weekend getting the oil changed in my car. He even got it washed too! Both things have needed to be done for awhile, and I'm so grateful that he takes care of that for me.
- I got approval to go to a conference for work. I'll be going with a friend and it should be a great trip! Oh, and we might even learn something at the conference. ;) I'm not all that excited about the city it's in, but still, we should find some good things to do in our available time outside of the conference. Or at least some good restaurants to try!
- Considering how little sleep I managed to get last night, I'm not feeling too bad this morning. Oh, I've overslept, but about 3 AM when I was still tossing and turning I'd already decided that I would not be worrying too much about my alarm clock. Couldn't sleep in too much however since I've got something to get done this morning at work before 9:30. But still, I was afraid I might be a walking zombie. Of course, by this afternoon I might be. :) Too much caffeine yesterday I think, and the frustrating thing is I knew it when I was drinking it yet I did it anyway. I certainly paid for it.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Messin' with Blogger
I'm playing around with my blog settings & widgets & stuff. I wish I knew more to tweak the look of the blog; I know it's boring but I don't know how to make it more interesting and so far I'm too cheap to pay someone to do anything.
Update: I think I found someone whose work I like and whose prices I can afford! Off to email her to see if she's available!
Update: I think I found someone whose work I like and whose prices I can afford! Off to email her to see if she's available!
Menu Plan Monday

Monday - Santa Fe Chicken in the crock pot. Maybe not the most traditional Labor Day dish, but L requested it. Served with baked potatoes and peas (all L's choice). This may be the easiest dish ever. Chicken breasts into the crock pot. Cover with salsa (a lot of salsa). Cook until done. Add some cream cheese to make the sauce creamy and cheesy. Leftovers make great enchiladas.
Tuesday - Salad and fresh corn from the local farmer's market. Probably with a black bean patty (Morningstar brand).
Wednesday - Rachel Ray's Inside-out Pizza-dilla Margerita. I'll be going out to lunch and won't want much for dinner and these are super easy and super tasty. It's just a quesadilla made with fresh mozzarella, diced tomatoes, and fresh basil.
Thursday - Mexican pizza. This may change if I don't want tortillas two days in a row, but the flavors are really so different I don't think I'll care. Tortillas as the pizza base, topped with refried beans, green chilis, chorizo, and of course lots of cheese.
Friday - Macaroni and cheese and chicken fingers. I am always so tired by Friday that I have to go with something easy. And it doesn't get much easier than this since L can make it. Yes, I'm talking boxed mac & cheese and frozen chicken fingers.
Yes, this is an easy easy week. I've been so lazy lately when it comes to cooking I'm hoping that by planning some simple things, I'll actually fix them and avoid the pb&j / frozen pizza routine that have been our dinners for way too many nights this last month.
August Books
After adding them to the widget on the side of the blog, I hated to just delete them all as September starts, so I moved them into a post. Ready to start with September!
Lynn Austin - The Strength of His Hand
The Apologetics Study Bible - 1 Corinthians
The Apologetics Study Bible - Proverbs
Deanna Raybourn - Silent in the Grave
Pang-Mei Natasha Chang - Bound Feet & Western Dress: A Memoir
Flip Schulke - Witness to Our Times: My Life as a Photojournalist
The Apologetics Study Bible - Song of Songs
Mark Dunn - Ella Minnow Pea
Deborah Ellis - The Heaven Shop
Lisa Miscione - Angel Fire
Mary Roach - Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Fiona Buckley - The Fugitive Queen
The Apologetics Study Bible - Ecclesiastes
Christopher J. Moore - In Other Words: A Language Lover's Guide to the Most Intriguing Words Around the World
Sandra Parshall - Disturbing the Dead
The Apologetics Study Bible - 1 Corinthians
Margaret Frazer - The Sempster's Tale
Jan Burke - Kidnapped
The Apologetics Study Bible - Job
Keith Ferrazzi - Never Eat Alone
The Apologetics Study Bible - Romans
The Apologetics Study Bible - Leviticus
Conrad Allen - Murder on the Minnesota
Stephenie Meyer - Breaking Dawn
The Apologetics Study Bible - Matthew
Stephenie Meyer - Eclipse
A. LaFaye - Edith Shay
Stephenie Meyer - New Moon
Mike Trout with Steve Halliday - A Journey to the Heart of America
Lynn Austin - Song of Redemption
Sharon Shinn - Wrapt in Crystal
Stephenie Meyer - Twilight
Reinhard Kaiser - Paper Kisses: A True Love Story
The Apologetics Study Bible - Psalms
Lynn Austin - The Strength of His Hand
The Apologetics Study Bible - 1 Corinthians
The Apologetics Study Bible - Proverbs
Deanna Raybourn - Silent in the Grave
Pang-Mei Natasha Chang - Bound Feet & Western Dress: A Memoir
Flip Schulke - Witness to Our Times: My Life as a Photojournalist
The Apologetics Study Bible - Song of Songs
Mark Dunn - Ella Minnow Pea
Deborah Ellis - The Heaven Shop
Lisa Miscione - Angel Fire
Mary Roach - Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
Fiona Buckley - The Fugitive Queen
The Apologetics Study Bible - Ecclesiastes
Christopher J. Moore - In Other Words: A Language Lover's Guide to the Most Intriguing Words Around the World
Sandra Parshall - Disturbing the Dead
The Apologetics Study Bible - 1 Corinthians
Margaret Frazer - The Sempster's Tale
Jan Burke - Kidnapped
The Apologetics Study Bible - Job
Keith Ferrazzi - Never Eat Alone
The Apologetics Study Bible - Romans
The Apologetics Study Bible - Leviticus
Conrad Allen - Murder on the Minnesota
Stephenie Meyer - Breaking Dawn
The Apologetics Study Bible - Matthew
Stephenie Meyer - Eclipse
A. LaFaye - Edith Shay
Stephenie Meyer - New Moon
Mike Trout with Steve Halliday - A Journey to the Heart of America
Lynn Austin - Song of Redemption
Sharon Shinn - Wrapt in Crystal
Stephenie Meyer - Twilight
Reinhard Kaiser - Paper Kisses: A True Love Story
The Apologetics Study Bible - Psalms
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