Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Making Your Home a Haven Challenge: Day 2

Continuing on from yesterday, Crystal's challenge is:

1) Refresh your spirit (5 minutes)

Like yesterday, brew a cup of tea or coffee or cocoa, and sit down for a few moments of quiet with the Lord. I encourage you to take some time to pray over your day - bringing the activities planned before Him and asking Him to go before you and bless your endeavors for His glory.

STOP: Have you done your morning routine yet? If not, stop here and start with that. When you've finished it, come back here for your next assignment. :)

Yes, morning routine followed. After work I again had a cup of hot chocolate and read more in Genesis. I am loving this transition time! I may have found a new after-work routine.

2) Take Time to Plan (5 minutes)

Do you have a plan for today? A few minutes of strategic planning before you begin your day can not only help you to be much more productive, but it can also save you a lot of time.

If you have not done so, make a short to-do list for today of things you need to do accomplish or would like to accomplish. If you are married, I encourage you to ask your husband if there is anything you can do today for him. If he mentions anything, make that your top priority to accomplish today.

Keep your list it to ten items or less. Number the items in order of importance
and tackle the first one. Don't move on to #2 on your list until #1 is completely finished.

1. Work
2. Piano
3. Grocery store
4. Read Bible
5. Fix dinner
6. Make an apple pie
7. Clean up kitchen
8. Spend time with L
9. 15 minutes on the house (living room or my office)
10. Take care of today's mail

3) Do Something! (10 minutes)

Since we tackled our entryways yesterday, let's tackle our living rooms today. Light a candle, put on your aprons, turn on some uplifting music, and get to work!

Set the timer for ten minutes and work on picking up and cleaning up this room. Start by putting throwing out trash, putting away misplaced items, and straightening up things. If you have time, do a quick dust and vacuum of the room.

Will update later when I have something to report.

Update 1: The pie is in the oven, and I'm taking 10 minutes to rest and drink some water. My back is killing me from cooking, baking, and washing dishes. I'm not sure why it's hurting so much lately when I do any of those things for more than about 10 minutes, but it is. That usually is a sign I'm wearing bad shoes with no support or cushioning, but that hasn't been the case lately.

Update 2: Break is long over, but I've now dealt with the mail and some other paperwork tasks. The pie will be coming out of the oven soon, and it smells wonderful. I've got Christmas music playing and it's very peaceful. After I take care of the pie I'll spend some time in my office.

Update 3: Pie is out of the oven and it looks great. My office is 20 minutes cleaner and I got some nagging tasks done. Now I'm off to have a cup of tea and try that pie.

Thanks again for the challenge!

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