Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I'm new to even thinking about Lent, but I am getting more and more interested in the rhythm of the church calendar as followed by Lutherans, Episcopalians, Anglicans, and of course, Catholics. Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, and what I've decided to give up is what has become my unrestrained computer time. I don't want to go to no computer time at all; it's the primary way I stay in touch with friends and family, and I don't think it's a bad thing. I do think that I will greatly benefit from cutting it down. I'm giving myself a set amount of time for all computer work (with the exception of taxes & financial stuff; taxes will take longer than an hour and if I get into it I don't want to make myself stop those. But that's not exactly a big temptation for me like blog reading, writing, email, and general surfing can be. That's what I'm limiting).

But it's not just about taking away time, it's what I'm going to do with the time I will have. I have a Bible Study I want to work through, and that Holy Spirit correspondence course to finish. And I have a lot of work to do to put my house back in shape once the remodeling finishes. And, I want to firmly establish a habit of going to bed on time, following scripture reading and prayer.

That seems like a good way to spend 40 days.

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