Saturday, November 29, 2008

Week Nine

Week Nine was very inconsistent.

I've thrown up two days (multiple times each day). Once I start vomiting, it seems like I can't stop until I'm dry heaving and almost in tears. But in between those moments, I've felt better than other weeks.

I'm still managing to eat almost anything, although a few items that normally I like or don't mind haven't tasted good to me. I don't know if that's pregnancy-related or just random weirdness, or maybe they weren't cooked as well as normal. I've also had a few weird cravings (ramen noodles for one. I haven't wanted them since college when I ate them way too much since they're so cheap, but I wanted them this week).

I may have also eaten an absurd number of cookies yesterday. What can I say, they were fantastically wonderful and I feel almost proud of myself that I didn't polish off the entire container. I'm glad I didn't because I'd be incredibly sad if they were all gone. I don't think I can convince my mom to send me another care package quite so soon.

We told the extended family this week (most of them at Thanksgiving, but some of them had guessed thanks to a sister-in-law's blabby facebook comment. I spent a bunch of Thanksgiving resting on L's cousin's bed, but in many ways I really appreciated the excuse to get away from the crowds and noise (extreme introvert here). And I used the pregnancy as an excuse as to why I needed to cut in line to get lunch. Although, in my defense, it was the absolute truth. I still need to eat ASAP when I'm hungry and not mess around and wait for another 20 people to get through the line before I can hit the turkey & mashed potatoes. So yes, I cut in line. Happily.

Still pretty exhausted, and my house reflects it. It is an absolute wreck, and I just don't care. We've got a houseguest coming on Monday, leaving Wednesday and I may or may not get the house looking even a smidge more respectable. I'd consider hiring a maid service if I didn't think that I'd have to pick up so much for them to clean that it's not even worth it.

I still fit into all my clothes quite easily, but the fact that any pressure on my belly is uncomfortable makes me spend most of my time with the top button on my pants undone, or if I'm wearing elastic-waist pants (such as my favorite yoga pants that I usually wear on the weekend or after work), I roll the waistband down once or twice so that it hits below the tender area. L laughs at me and says that's how he always likes to wear his pants.

And, some of my favorite sites: has images from week nine Baby Center has a graphic showing what the baby (embryo) looks like. And with less pictures but more text, is Baby Center again and of course Amalah.

And, I found a cool day-by-day pregnancy calendar which I've had fun perusing.

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