Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let's Just Repeat My Last Title, Ok?

Because I really am still here, again.

What have I been doing, since I obviously haven't been blogging? Well, I've read a stack of books. Seriously, a huge stack. Mysteries and biographies and general non-fiction and a couple of young adult books. The evening time I'd been spending blogging I've instead been reading and reading and reading. I'm not always so good with the balance thing - when I'm reading I'm READING and everything else falls to the side. I need to get better at evening it out more - some time reading, some time blogging, some time cleaning (yeah, that gets ignored too), some time playing piano, well, you get the picture.

I also celebrated a birthday in that blogging break I just enjoyed. I did not celebrate it in my usual fashion of taking the day off from work and spending it at home doing whatever I want (which usually means reading 2 or 3 books I've been hoarding for that day). Instead I spent the day at work and instead took the next day off and spent it in my usual manner. :) My boss brought in cupcakes on my birthday and the coconut cream ones were fantastic, to the point where I've found a recipe so I can try and recreate the taste. She actually brought in an assortment of cupcakes and I made my friend split some with me so I could sample more of them - besides the coconut, we had strawberry, black bottom, and "ho-ho." So, yes, that would be two cupcakes each that we finished.

Apparently the cupcakes really did inspire me however because over Memorial Day I spent a lot of time in the kitchen and baked a number of new recipes. I was most proud of the bread I made - first time for me to tackle a yeast bread! I was unbelievably proud of myself for managing that. I'm almost ready to try a pie crust, because yes, I've always been intimidated by that as well.

One thing I have not been doing well recently is planning meals. It's now getting close to time to start fixing dinner and I have no idea at all what to fix. We had pasta last night, burgers on the grill over the weekend, and L had pizza recently at a friend's house so those are all out. I need some inspiration in a hurry so I think I'll go surf some food blogs...


MamaMia said...

Happy Birthday! I had found your blog through Org Junkie. And thought you had given up on blogging! How nice that you've gotten to read so much!

Renee said...

MammaMia, thank you so much for your comments! I'm so sorry that I didn't realize I had some waiting for me to approve so what a nice surprise!